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Home → Self-Storage → Southern Denmark → Odense
Better space for what you really want
Welcome to secure and temperature-controlled storage in Odense, centrally located on the island of Funen.
With City Self-Storage, you can rent a self-service storage unit, which means you can come and go as you please during the facility’s opening hours.
At our facilities, you will also find trolleys available for free use, making it easy for you to transport your belongings to and from your storage unit.
For more information about the location closest to you, as well as prices and sizes of storage units, you can click on the relevant branch above.
If you would like to see the storage unit before renting it, we will try to arrange a viewing over the phone as much as possible. Please contact the staff by phone or chat for further information or to arrange a viewing.
Welcome to us!
Phone customer service: 0200 22 50 70
Some benefits
City Self-Storage rents out storage space to individuals and companies that need a flexible and secure storage solution. Our premises are clean and secured with personal access control and video surveillance, and it is possible to rent mini warehouses in many different sizes.
You use a security-classified padlock to lock off your storage shed, and only you have access to it. We have both staffed departments and unmanned, self-service departments. Staffed departments also have an affiliated store where you can buy quality moving equipment.
Our warehouse experts are happy to help you if you have questions about storage or our mini warehouses.
Få van med i købet.
Når du lejer denne lagerplads, får du rådighed over en gratis van, når du flytter dine ting ind på lageret. Når du har foretaget din bestilling, vil du modtage en rabatkode, som du kan benytte hos vores samarbejdspartnere.
Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte os.
Med Lagertaxi får du bil, bærehjælp og chauffør med, når du bestiller lager.
Ydelsen kræver 6 måneders binding af lagerlejen.
Outletlagre har lavere priser!
Dette skyldes, at de har en lidt mærkelig form, en stolpe eller et rør på lageret eller lignende.